Goalstar Morocco






Promotional Campaigns

Goalstar Morocco




The TV program Goalstar is a docu-reality show featuring celebrities as they're trained to be soccer players. Over the course of the season, the participants fight, love, laugh and prepare themselves for the big moment - the season-end game determining which will be the winning team. This is the tenth season of the popular, highly-rated show, beloved among HOT viewers, which was filmed in Morocco.

For the show’s promotion we created two teasers focusing on two of the show's prominent motifs - fighting and humor - and a launch promo which included the highlights of the season. We also created a dedicated poster and a 10th anniversary video. Since the season was filmed in Morocco, the launch campaign and all its components related to the country. It seemed appropriate to use the wisdom of the ancient Moroccan culture and relevant, well-known Moroccan phrases, and link them to the contents.

After the launch campaign, and as a part of the ten-year anniversary for many HOT programs, we issued a one-decade video summarizing all the seasons and addressing the dominant components inherent to the shows' formats - various countries, arguments, crises, tears and of course, laughs. Towards the end of the item, we piqued the viewers' curiosity about the new season.

On the poster, the team members barrel through Morocco's goal as a unified group, strong and victorious. The colorful features and the entire atmosphere are in the Moroccan language, as presented in the campaign.

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